This is an advanced feature.
View Only, (non license) users are “Restricted” users with “Edit Insp.” permissions.
Restricted users can view planned inspections that their affiliation can inspect but not inspections assigned to users of other affiliations. They can view and edit inspections by users of the same affiliation and report corrections on deficiencies assigned to their company. Everything related to their affiliation is visible on FTQ360 dashboards. This gives subcontractors or third party agencies the ability to use FTQ360 for their end-to-end inspection workflow starting with their inspection queue, conducting inspections, reporting corrections, and obtaining approvals, ultimately getting their work passed.
Also see Restricted User with "View Only" Permissions for an overview of the screen.
1. Follow the instructions to “Add a User,” except now you will select additional fields on the Setup | User page.
2. Select the "GO TO ADVANCED VIEW" button on the Process Menu. This will expand the options on the User row.
3. Affiliation - Select the User’s Affiliation from the drop-down menu. Choose the company name from the list of Responsible Party organizations pulled from your “Responsible Party Setup” area.
4. Insp. Type - Set the Inspection Type from the drop-down menu. The Inspection Type correlates to the User’s position title, and will indicate the checklist category.
5. Select the "PERMISSIONS" button on the Process Menu.
6. Inspect - Uncheck the "Inspect" box.
7. Edit Insp. - Check the “Edit Insp” box.
8. Restricted - Check the “Restricted” box if desired. When this box is checked, the user will have restricted access to their “affiliated” company only.
9. Click the "Save" button at the bottom of the screen to save your changes.
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