You can add a personal home page that displays common actions and information that's specific to you. This home page gives you easy assess to the backlog of things to do and take action.
The home page has these features:
- Gives the option of initiating a new inspection
- Gives the option of continuing an existing inspection.
- Lists upcoming ITP planned inspection assigned to the user.
- Lists open deficiencies assigned to the user.
- Lists recent inspection messages with the ability to go to the checkpoint and respond.
- List recent emails and notifications sent to the user by FTQ360.
- Lists a recent history of FTQ360 actions taken by the user with the ability to continue.
- Activity statistics and/or trend charts such as number of inspections, pictures taken, reason codes assigned, etc.
- ITP Progress panels
Each feature can be turned on/off so that your Home Screen is customized to what you want to see.
Accessing the Home Page
The homepage is accessible when you click the Home icon in the upper left corner of the screen. This icon is available in the top menu of all screens in FTQ360.
Setting the Home Page
To set the homepage
1. Go to System Admin>Account Management
2. Click "Home Pages" from the menu on the left hand side of the screen
3. Find the Inspector Type and click the associated Home Page dropdown to select the home page screen
4. The first option "Home" will set the home page to the personal home screen
Customizing the Home Page
You can customize which panels are available on your personal home page and even the order in which they display.
1. When on the home page, click on the tables icon in the upper right corner of the blue header.
2. In the pop-up screen, each line item is a panel on the home page. Deselect any panel you don't want included. Drag and drop the line items to rearrange the order of the panels.
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