1. Go to: Start New >List All.
2. You can filter the grid by using the fields at the top of each column. Type a keyword in the header entry field and press <enter>.
- NEW! The search fields are highlighted when characters are entered into the field so that you know for sure what is filtering your listing grid.
- The search fields are "sticky" and will remember the entry you typed the next time you return to the screen. Data is cleared and defaults reset when you logout of FTQ360.
3.Show Button: Click the blue "Show" button to filter the listing grid.
- ALL = no filters
- OPEN = all except PASS or FAIL
- MY = items you saved
- MY OPEN = open items saved by you or your company/dept is responsible
- DUE = items due today or overdue
- MY ORG = all items related to your company/dept
4.ID: This column lists every inspection ID from the very first to the most recent.
- Click on the column header to sort by ID Number.
- Click on the ID Number to open the inspection.
- In the header field, enter the beginning numbers of an inspection ID to filter the grid to all inspections within that series.
5.Last Activity Date: This column lists the date the inspection was last saved. This could indicate new info was entered or a corrective action was updated after the Inspection Date (original creation date).
- Click on the column header to sort by Last Activity Date.
- In the header field, enter "mm/dd/yyyy" to filter the grid by all inspections that were last saved on that date.
6. Insp. Date: This column lists the inspection's creation date (i.e. the date the inspection was performed)
- Click on the column header to sort by Inspection Date.
- In the header field, enter "mm/dd/yyyy" to filter the grid to all inspections that were created on that date.
7. CA/Notes: This column displays comments entered for the inspection in the "Overall Inspection Information" Notes Field at the bottom of the checklist.
- In the header field, enter a keyword (i.e. "Window") to filter the grid by all inspections with that word in the CA/Notes.
8. Proj.:This column displays the Project/Community name for the inspection.
- Click on the column header to sort by Project Name.
- In the header field, enter a Project Name to filter the grid to all inspections within that Project.
9. Phase/Location:This column displays the Phase/Location name for the inspection.
- Click on the column header to sort by Phase/Location.
- In the header field, enter a Phase/Location to filter the grid to all inspections for that Phase/Location.
10. Equip.: This column lists equipment that was inspected using the equipment checklist.
- Click on the column header to sort by Equipment code.
- In the header field, enter the Equipment Code to filter the grid by all inspections using with that equipment checklist.
11. Resp. Party: This column displays the main Responsible Party associated with the inspection.
- Click on the column header to sort by Responsible Party.
- In the header field, enter a Responsible Party name to filter the grid to all inspections associated with that Responsible Party.
12. Chklst: This column displays the Checklist that was used in the inspection.
- Click on the column header to sort by Checklist.
- In the header field, enter a checklist name to filter the grid to all inspections using with that checklist.
13. First Inspector: This column displays the Inspector who created the inspection.
- Click on the column header to sort by Inspector Name.
- In the header field, enter an Inspector Name to filter the grid to all inspections created by that User.
14. Last Inspector: This column displays the Inspector who last updated (saved) the inspection.
- Click on the column header to sort by Inspector Name.
- In the header field, enter an Inspector Name to filter the grid to all inspections last updated by that User.
15. Inspection Type: This column shows an inspection's type -- General, Manager, Sub-Contractor, Safety, QA, etc.
- Click on the column header to sort by Inspection Type.
- In the header field, enter an Inspection Type (i.e. "General") to filter the grid by that Inspection Type.
16. Status: This column shows an inspection's current status -- CA Required, Pass, or Fail.
- Click on the column header to sort by Inspection Status.
- In the header field, enter "CA Required," "Pass," or "Fail" to filter the grid by that Inspection Status.
17. Download: You can download your filtered data. Use the multiple filters to create your data set, select the "download" icon at the bottom left of the screen and a spreadsheet of your data will be downloaded to your computer.
18.Delete: The delete button is at the bottom left of the screen. You can delete one or multiple inspections (a test, a duplicate, an error, etc.) by checking the selection box, then clicking the delete button. (If an inspection is deleted accidentally, it can be restored by calling Customer Service).
Customize the Columns
You can select which columns appear on the grid and even their order. The default displays the basic columns, however there are many more columns that you can choose for your own personal screen. FTQ360 will remember your settings on your computer but the setting does not change grid view for other users.
To customize the columns, click the settings wheel and select "Manage Columns."
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