This new listing view shows you the progress on your Inspection & Test Plans (ITPs). The design for this screen is similar to what you'd see on an inspection selection screen in Plan Mode except we've added a bar graph on the left-side of each plan item to show you it's progress or the % complete.
1. Go to INSPECTION>ITP Progress
2. % Complete - This is the percentage of ITP Inspection Plan completed for the criteria selected in Steps 3, 4 and 5.
- ITP Progress Calculations - The percentage complete calculation can either include passed inspections only or all started inspections, regardless of required corrective actions. This is a preference setting you can choose. See PREFERENCES for more information.
3. Project Button - Drop down menu that allows you filter by a single project.
4. Search Field - Type a key word to filter the grid. This is a good way to filter by Lot, Phase, Equipment, Checklist or other element that is defined in the ITP Plan Item.
5. Status Bar - This ITP progress calculation applies when the method used in the your setting in Customization Preferences is “1 - Only with status PASS”. If your Preference setting is “0-started”, the status bar will show the status of the ITP plan item, but not the % complete of the inspection(s) associated with the plan item.
ITP item progress % = (the Sum of (% inspection complete calculated on the inspection screen) / (100*Qty inspections required). Maximum of 100%. If there is only one inspection required (Qty=1) then the calculation will appear for the inspection that has the highest percent complete.
Note: Fail or WIP complete inspections will never fulfill an ITP requirement, so they are not counted.
6. Caret Icon - Click the toggle for a list of inspections connected to this plan item. They will display in a grid similar to the "Show Recent Inspection" view.
7. Colored tool icon - The colors tell you the inspection status of that checklist for that plan item. If multiple inspections have been conducted using that checklist, the icon color will be associated with the latest (or most recent) inspection.
- Green - Passed inspection
- Red - Failed Inspection
- Yellow - Corrective Action Required
- Blue - Unused (Not started yet)
- Grey - Incomplete (Started, but not finished)
8. Plan Item - The checklist used for the inspection in this step of the ITP.
- The categories selected when you setup the checklists used on your ITPs will now display on the ITP Progress screen the same as they display on the inspection selection screen in Plan mode. This provides a more consistent view for your inspectors and managers, and also provides another option for filtering using the universal search at the top right of the ITP Progress screen.
9. ITP Progress Screen ordered by Phase/Job - A thin line to separates the items within each phase and the plan items are sorted first on your Phase/Job sequence numbers and then the plan items within each phase.
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