The drop down Dashboards menu can be organized to display only your favorite dashboards. You can select your favorites on the "View All Dashboards" landing page, as well as access every available dashboard in FTQ360.
1. Go to Dashboard>View All Dashboards
2. All available dashboards in FTQ360 are represented on this landing page. Hoover over the question mark icon to view a dashboard description.
3. Select your favorite dashboards (those dashboards that you want to appear in the Dashboard drop down menu) by clicking the star icon. The star will change to yellow when selected.
4. Select up to six (6) dashboards to appear on the drop down Dashboard menu.
5. Refresh the system by going to Inspections>Enter New Inspection and click the refresh icon in the bottom right hand corner of the screen. Wait for the page to reload.
6. Click "Dashboards" from the main menu and your favorites will now show-up in the drop-down menu.
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