The updated checklist setup screen has a totally new and easy-to-use design. Using it is optional, and you can switch back and forth to the legacy checklist setup screen at any time.
1. Go to System Admin>Checklist Setup.
2. Click the blue Add New button.
3. In the dialog box, enter the following information:
- Type checklist title
- Type a checklist code (or use the code that is created by the system)
- Select a category for the checklist
- Select they checklist type
4. Click the blue "Create Checklist" button to save. The new checklist you just created will be selected and highlighted in green.
The Checklist Screen
All the checklist titles are available on the Checklist Screen.
- NEW! you can sort listing grids on all setup screens. In combination with the search bar you have an ease of control that helps you home in on what you need to see.
Select a Checklist by clicking the box at the front of the row.
5. Preview Icon: Hover over this icon to preview the checkpoints on the checklist.
6. Checkpoint Hyperlink: This blue hyperlink lists the number of checkpoints on the checklist. Click the hyperlink to go to the Checklist Edit screen.
7. Active Button: Toggle this button to make the selected checklist active or inactive.
8. Checklist Title: This field lists the checklist title. You can edit the title here, along with the other fields below it that were created in the initial checklist setup.
9. Common Checkpoint: Toggle this button to make the Common Checkpoint(s) active or inactive on the checklist.
10. Checklist Access: Click this section to edit which Projects, Responsible Parties, and Inspectors have access to the checklist.
- NEW! The headers for Project access, Responsible Party, and Inspector Access can be sorted. Just click on the title to sort.
11. References: Click this section to add checklist references. You can upload Word, Excel, and PDF files, or create links to other sources outside of FTQ360.
12. Additional Details: Click this section to add checklist version numbers, authors, effective dates, user fields, and other checklist details.
Add Checkpoints
13. To add checkpoints, click the blue "Go To Checkpoints" button.
14. In the dialog box, type the checkpoint line items in the Text field.
- Text field: You can copy-and-paste line items from another document, such as a Word or Excel file. Each line will be a separate checkpoint.
- Code field: Type the code number for the first checkpoint and the system will continue the sequence pattern. Or let the system create a default code. (Codes can be changed afterwards, if needed.)
- Category field: Select a category for the checkpoints. Or let the system default to the checklist category. (Individual checkpoint codes can be selected afterwards, if needed.)
- Type field: Select the checkpoint category. (Individual checkpoint categories can be selected afterwards, if needed.)
15. Click the blue "Create Checkpoint" button to save.
16. Selection Box: Click the box for each checkpoint you want to edit. You can select one, multiple, or all checkpoints.
17. Show Active: Use this drop down menu to filter the screen by Active Only, Inactive Only, or All checkpoints.
18. Search Checkpoints Field: Type a keyword(s) to filter the list of checkpoints.
19. Back to Checklist: Click this button to go back to the Checklist listing grid screen.
20. Active Button: Toggle this button to make the selected checkpoint(s) active or inactive.
21. Checkpoint Text: This field lists the checkpoint text. You can edit the text here, along with the other fields below it that were created in the initial checkpoint setup.
22. Sequence: Type the checkpoint sequence number.
- You can also move a checkpoint by drag-and-drop as well.
23. Job Ready: Toggle this button if the checkpoint is tracking job readiness.
24. Behavior: Select this section to add a formula.
25. References: Click this section to add checklist references. You can upload Word, Excel, and PDF files, or create links to other sources outside of FTQ360
26. Click the "Back to Checklist" button to return to the Checklist listing grid screen.
Instructional Video
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