Reason Classifications (Reason Codes) allow the inspector to link a deficiency to a recurring cause (such as "Installation Mistake") or category (such as "Plan/Design Error"). This allows you to track how often that type of deficiency is occurring. Reason codes are a critical component of a successful Quality Control Program.
The Reason Codes are selected in an Open or Fixed Deficiency on the Inspection Entry screen.
1. Go to System Admin >System Tables Setup>Reason Classification Setup.
2. Click the blue Add button to insert a new Corrective Action Code.
3. In the dialog box, type the classification description in the Name field. This is a required field. If the classification has a specific code or needs to be tied to a specific checklist category, select those items here too.
4. If the details need to be edited later, you can do that by selecting the item and editing the fields in the panel on the righthand side of the screen.
5. Click "Save" to save the new Reason Classification Code(s).
Examples of Reason Classifications
- Design Error
- Installation Mistake
- Material Failure
- Poor Workmanship
- Trade/Subcontractor Damage
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