The Priority Deficiency Dashboard is where Managers, Inspectors, and Responsible Party/Subcontractors can view and manage Open item/Deficiencies, Ready for Review, and ITP (Inspection and Test Plan) items. The dashboard data can be filtered by any component in each panel.
- The dashboard filters are "sticky," meaning it will remember the filters you selected the next time you return to the screen. "Sticky" filters are cleared and defaults reset when you close the browser or logout of FTQ360.
1. Go to: Deficiencies > Priority Dashboard.
2. Dashboard Overview
Color Codes on the dashboard:
- Red = Past Due
- Orange = Due within 7 days
- Green = Due in 8 or more days
- Blue = Ready For Review
A. Project Selection: Select the project to be displayed on the dashboard. If an "All Projects" option is not available, it can be added in preferences. See Set Dashboard Filters to Allow All Projects.
B. Date Selection: Change Date Range for Dashboard Detail: Use the drop down box to refine the date range selection.
C. Project: Hover over the graph to display a pop-up note that details the the number of Over Due and Coming up in the Next 7 Days. The total number of Open Items is displayed on the far right edge of the Project's line graph. Projects can be sorted using the "AZ" icon in the upper right hand corner.
D. Phase: Displays the deficiency data for the Project Phases. ("Undefined" means that there are no phases for this project to display and the graph is duplicating the project data.)
E. Location: Displays the deficiency data for the Project Locations. ("Undefined" means that there are no locations for this project to display and the graph is duplicating the project data.)
F. Status: Hover over the bar graph for a pop-up that displays the overall number of items that are overdue, coming up in the next 7 days, and are Ready for Review.
G. Primary Responsible Party: The Primary Responsible Party is listed in the blue header of the inspection screen. Companies often assign a foreman, superintendent or project manager as the Primary Responsibility Party, and is responsible for overseeing that the entire inspection..
Hover over the graph to display a pop-up note that details the number of Over Due and Coming up in the Next 7 Days for each Resp. Party. The number of Open Items is displayed on the far right edge of the Responsible Party's line graph. Names can be sorted using the "AZ" icon in the upper right hand corner.
H. Open Item Responsible Party - Crew: The Open Item Responsible Party "Crew" or "Responsible Person" is a filter on the dashboard. When filtering for a Responsible Person or Crew, the selection will be hyphenated along with the affiliated Responsible Party or Subcontractor. For example, for crew leader, John Doe from AAA Concrete, you'll see AAA Concrete - John Doe.
I. Inspectors: Hover over the graph to display a pop-up note that details the number of Over Due and Coming up in the Next 7 Days. The total number of Open Items is displayed on the far right edge of the Inspector's line graph. Inspectors can be sorted using the "AZ" icon in the upper right hand corner.
J. Checklists: This section shows you which checklists have pending items.
K. Category of Open Item: Hover over the bar for a pop-up listing the number of Over Due, Due in the Next 7 Days, and Number Due in More than & Days.
L. Priority: Open items are graphed by priority. Default priority is set on each checkpoint and can be changed on the inspection checklist for open items.
M. Stats: This section shows you the number of inspections, inspectors projects and more that make up the data on this dashboard.
N. Category: This section shows you the number of deficiencies per category
3. Click on a section header, such as Project, Responsible Party or Inspectors, to filter data.
- NEW! The dashboard filters are "sticky," meaning it will remember the filters you selected the next time you return to the screen. "Sticky" filters are cleared and defaults reset when you close the browser or logout of FTQ360.
4. Reset Data: To reset the dashboard to the default selection, click the "X" in the upper right-hand corner of the section box.
5. Dashboard Data Downloads: You can download the data displayed on your dashboard screen.
Click the small download icon on the top right-hand side of each chart area and a CSV file of the underlying data is downloaded. This makes it easy to copy the data and use it in other spreadsheets, reports and management dashboard software.
6. Dashboard Filters: Dashboard filters make it easy to provide different combinations of data.
- Apply Dashboard Filters: Click a data source (Project, Phase, Inspector, Responsible Party, etc.) to recalculate the dashboard data to display just the information pertaining to that source. You can choose multiple sources to keep mining deeper into the data (Project Name + Phase + Responsible Party.) For example, if you want to only see information pertaining to a single inspector, click the inspector’s name to filter the dashboard by that inspector. If you want to see that inspector’s activity in a specific project, click the inspector’s name then click the project name.
- Remove Dashboard Filters: You can remove dashboard filter by clicking the red “X” next to the filter icon in the upper right hand corner of the data box. (If the icon isn't displaying correctly, you may need to clear the browser cache.)
7. Dashboard Detail Options include:
AA. Grid View or Calendar View: Use the drop down box to change how the data displays.
BB. Search: Type keywords into the search field to find a specific item, inspection, date, etc.
CC. Title: Click the column header to sort by the deficiency "Title."
DD. Status: Click the column header to sort by "Status," such as "Open" to "Fixed." FTQ is not an available Deficiency Status. If you must change the deficiency status to FTQ, you'll need to open the inspection where there is a warning before continuing.
EE. R4R: CThis column will show you which deficiencies are ready for a reinspection or review. The boxes with checkmarks are "Ready 4 Review." Click the header to sort all R4R items together.
FF . Details: Click the column header to sort by "Details."
GG. Inspector: Click the column header to sort by "Inspector."
HH. Responsible Party: Click the column header to sort by "Title."
II. RF #: This is the item's Risk Factor. Click the column header to sort by "RF #."
JJ . Due Date: Click the column header to sort by "Due Date."
KK. The boxes at the beginning of each row allow you to select multiple items. Once selected, you can change statuses and due dates.
LL. Go to Inspection, Deficiency or Plan Item: Click the blue link on the first column of the detail section to go directly to the original item.
MM. Load More: Select "Load More" at the very bottom of the screen to show more data.
9. Update Individual Status, Responsible Party or Due Date.
Click on the individual Status (ex. OPN to QC), Responsible Party or Due Date that you'd like to change. A drop-down or calendar picker will appear. Choose your selection. There is not "save" warning or undo. So you will have to redo your selection if you make a mistake.
10. Multi-select/ Mass Change Status, Responsible Party or Due Date.
Click one of the selection boxes that appears at the beginning of a row in an area where you want to make multiple updates. A yellow/gold bar will appear. Next, click the "select all" selection box in the yellow/gold bar. This will select all checkboxes in the area where you've made your initial selection. then click "Status," Responsible Party," or "Due Date" in the yellow header field. Select the change you'd like and the system will change all pre-selected rows in the area.
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