325 - Deficiency Counts (last 12 weeks)
- Overview: The 325 series will show you how many items (checkpoints) required QC compared to the number of inspections performed.
- Calculations: This report counts both Open & Fixed as QC and generates a ratio of FTQ to (FTQ + Fixed + OPN). Only N/A are left out.
- The # Inspections is based on the activity date and displaying the number of inspection reports that were updated during the selected date range.
- # QC/Fixed is showing the number of open items that marked "Fixed" during the selected date range.
- Options: This report can be compiled by Checkpoint, Project, or Responsible Party.
- Auto Reports: Can Schedule weekly & monthly
326 - Deficiency Counts (last 12 weeks)
- Overview: The 326 series compares two elements (such as Checklist per Project) to show how many QC items were generated over the last 12 weeks.
- Calculations: This report counts both Open & Fixed as QC and generates a ratio of FTQ to (FTQ + Fixed + OPN). Only N/A are left out.
- The # Inspections is based on the activity date and displaying the number of inspection reports that were updated during the selected date range.
- # QC/Fixed is showing the number of open items that marked "Fixed" during the selected date range.
- Options: This report can be compiled by Checklist/Checkpoint, Responsible Party/Checklist, Responsible Party/Project, Checklist/Project, Project/Phase.
- Auto Reports: Can schedule weekly & monthly
327 - Deficiency Counts (last 12 months)
- Overview: The 327 series compares two elements (such as each Phase in a Project) to show how many QC items were generated over the last 12 months.
- Options: This report can be compiled by Checklist/Checkpoint, Responsible Party/Checklist, Responsible Party/Project, Checklist/Project, Project/Phase.
- Auto Reports: Can schedule monthly
405 - Open and Ready for Review Deficiency Detail Report
- Overview: The 405 series displays Open Items, including pending and R4R items.
- Options: This report can be compiled by Project, Location, Responsible Party, or Task. It can also be run for equipment.
- Auto Reports: Can schedule daily and weekly
406 - Deficiency Detail Report
- Overview: The 406 series lists Fixed (QC) Items, Open Items and Ready for Review Items. It also includes Observation and Corrective Action (CA) notes.
- Options: This report can be compiled by Project, Location, Checklist, Responsible Party, Vendor, Inspector, or Task. It can also be run for equipment.
- Use: To compile a list of Open and Ready 4 Review items. Observation and CA notes will be useful for knowing know what your field inspectors are finding beyond the checkpoint that is deficient.
- Auto Reports: Can schedule daily, weekly, and monthly
407 - Overdue Open and Ready for Review Deficiency Detail Report
- Overview: The 407 series displays only Over Due Open and Ready for Review items.
- Options: This report can be compiled by Project or Responsible Party. It can also be run for equipment.
- Auto Reports: Can be scheduled daily
903 - Deficiency History
- Overview: The 903 Report lists a history of deficiencies by Project.
- Options: Project only.
- Auto Reports: Can schedule monthly.
- This report prints in PDF. If an Excel spreadsheet is needed, run Data Query Q903.
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