A data query is a request for information from the database. FTQ360 provides a preset list of parameters from which you can choose. The queries can be exported to Excel to filter and sort the data.
Data Queries are available in Reports>Run Reports Online. This allows for filtering options and you can save your filtered Data Queries as Favorites, email them as you would any report (from the Report History page), and output to a standard Excel format for convenient data analysis.
Q900: Inspection Data Table
The 900 Query displays inspection summary information for selected projects.
Data included*:
B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I |
Project Name |
Total # of Inspections | Total # of Checkpoints | Number FTQ SAFE Checkpts |
Number FIXED/FAIL Checkpts |
Number OPN/OPEN Checkpts | Number NANA Checkpts | Number Checkpoints Verified |
* Table includes selected columns from the query
Q901: Checkpoint Data Dump (last 31 days)
This query will return info for all checkpoint data for every inspection conducted over the last 31 days.
- This query includes key metric data. If you have fewer than 5 custom key metrics, the additional query columns will include placeholders with the term "KeyMetric" as the column header.
Data included*:
B | D | E | F | G | H | M | N |
Checkpoint ID |
Checkpoint Name | Checkpoint Status | Observation Notes | Corrective Action Notes | Reason Code | Responsible Party | Checkpoint Due Date |
O | P | T | U | V | X | Y | AA |
Risk Factor |
Key Metric | Date Open | Date R4R | Date Corrected | Inspection ID | Inspection Date | Project Name |
* Table includes selected columns from the query
Q902: Inspection Grid
The 902 Query displays the data from the View Recent Inspections page.
Data included*:
B | D | E | F | G | H | I | J |
Inspection ID |
Inspection Date | Inspection Status | Checklist Name | Corrective Action Notes | Responsible Party | Project Phase Location | Inspector |
* Table includes selected columns from the query
Q903: Deficiency History
The 903 Query lists a history of deficiencies by Project.
Data included:
B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I |
Project |
Phase | Deficiency ID | Deficiency Detail | Inspector | Responsible Party | Date Observed | Date Corrected |
Q904: ITP Progress Listing
The 904 Query shows the status of each checklist with an ITP.
Data included:
B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I |
Plan Item |
Due Date | Project | Phase | Location | Checklist | Responsible Party | Equipment |
J | K | L | M | N | O | ||
Inspector |
Inspector Type | Notes | Percent Done | Inspection Count | Minimum Quantity |
Q1004: All Checkpoints (only) for last 31 days
This query will return info for all checkpoint data for every inspection conducted over the last 31 days.
Use case: Download inspection data to import into another another report or system.
Data included*:
B | C | D | E | F | H | I | J |
Group/ Account |
Checkpoint ID | Checkpoint Code | Checkpoint Text | Checkpoint Notes | Checkpoint Status | Inspector | Inspection ID |
K | O | P | U | V | X | AG | AK |
Checkpoint Date |
Project Code | Project Name | Checklist Number | Checklist Title | Checklist Category | Responsible Party | Crew |
* Table includes selected columns from the query
Q1005: Online inspection listing grid (many columns) - last 5000
This query will return the information from the last 5,000 inspections info from Inspections>All Inspection List (Archive).
Use case: Download inspection grid information.
Data included*:
C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J |
Group/ Account |
Project Code | Project Name | Phase Code | Phase Name | Location Code | Location Name | Equipment Code |
K | L | M | P | Q | T | U | V |
Equipment Name |
Checklist Code | Checklist Name | Responsible Party Name | Responsible Party Category | Crew Name | Crew Type | Inspection Status |
W | X | Y | Z | AA | AB | AC | AD |
Inspector Affiliation Code |
Inspector Affiliation Name | Inspector Affiliation Type | Inspection Notes | Fist Inspector | Inspection Date | Last Inspector | Last Activity Date |
* Table includes selected columns from the query
Q1007: Online inspection listing grid - last 5000 records
This query will return the basic data for the last 5,000 inspections performed in your account, similar to the format found in Inspections>View Recent Inspections (1,000).
Use case: To sort or filter basic inspection data.
Data included*:
C | D | F | G | H | J | K | M |
Inspection Number |
Inspection Date | Notes | Project | Phase | Responsible Party | Checklist | Inspector |
* Table includes selected columns from the query
Q1009: Inspection Checkpoint Deficiency Report
This query lists open checkpoints for open and CA inspections. It does not include Pass or Fail.
Use case: To sort or filter basic inspection data.
Data included:
B | C | D | E | F |
Equipment |
Deficiency | Deficiency Notes | Corrective Action | Link to Inspection |
Q1010: List of Trade - Task - Checkpoints
This query will provide data on the Checklist (task) and checklist categories (trades).
Use case: To take inventory of all your checklist categories and their assigned checklists. Ensuring checklists are assigned to correct categories will allow you to run reports that identify where exactly defects are occurring.
Data included*:
D | E | I | N | O | P | AC | AE |
Category Code |
Category Label | Active or Inactive Status | Checklist Code | Checklist Label | Checklist Notes | Checkpoint Code | Checkpoint Label |
* Table includes selected columns from the query
Q1011: List of Checkpoints
This query will list all checkpoints for every checklist.
Use case: To review checkpoint lines to edit or import.
Data included*:
B | C | D | E | F |
Group ID |
Checklist Code | Checkpoint Code | Checkpoint Label | Display Sequence |
* Table includes selected columns from the query
1012: Scores since the start of last month
Q1013: One Year Inspection Listing Grid
This query will return the basic data for all inspections conducted over the last year.
Use case: To sort or filter inspection data for a project, job, inspector, or responsible party.
Data included*:
B | C | F | G | H | J | L | M |
Inspection ID |
Inspection Date | Project Code | Project Name | Phase Code | Phase Name | Responsible Party Code | Responsible Party |
O | Q | R | S | AB | AC | AD | AE |
Crew | Checklist Category | Checklist Code | Checklist Name | Inspection Status | Corrective Action | Modified Date | Group ID |
* Table includes selected columns from the query
Q1014: Inspections listing with many columns - last 5000
This query will return data on the last 5,000 inspections conducted in your account. It will provide information similar to the grid in Inspections>View Recent Inspections.
Data included*:
B | C | D | E | F | G | H | M |
Inspection ID |
Account Number | Inspection Date | Project Code | Project Name | Phase Code | Phase Name | Checklist Code |
N | P | Q | R | U | W | Y | Z |
Checklist Name | Responsible Party Code | Responsible Party Name | Responsible Party Category | Responsible Party Crew | Inspection Status | Inspection Name | Inspection Type |
* Table includes selected columns from the query
Q1016: Basic inspection text listing - last 1500
This query will return data on the last 1,500 inspections conducted in your account. It will provide information similar to the grid in Inspections>View Recent Inspections.
Data included*:
B | C | D | E | F | H | I | J |
Company ID |
Inspection ID | Inspection URL | Inspection Date | Date of Last Change | Inspector Name | Project Code | Project Name |
L | M | N | O | P | Q | S | T |
Phase Name | Checklist Code | Checklist Name | Responsible Party Code | Responsible Party Name | Responsible Party Code | Responsible Party Crew | Inspection Status |
* Table includes selected columns from the query
Q1017: Login activity - last 1000
This query will return the User login dates and times.
Use case: To see which inspectors or Responsible Parties are logging-in and how often, to determine when a specific user last logged-in, to see who logged-in on a specific date or time.
Data included:
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H |
Group ID | Company Name | Activity Time | User Last Name | User First Name | Activity | Affiliation | User Email |
Q1018: Open Item Ready/QC times - last 2000
This query returns Open Item information along with dates for Ready For Review and QC/Fixed for the last 2,000 Open Issues.
Use Case: To see how many days its taking from the time an issue is marked Open to Ready 4 Review and then Ready 4 Review to QC/Fixed.
Data included*:
B | D | E | F | I | J | K | L |
Inspection ID |
Project Code | Project Name | Phase Name | Checklist Name | Responsible Party Code | Responsible Party Name | Responsible Party Category |
N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U |
Inspector Name | Inspection Date | Open Issue Date | Ready 4 Review Date | QC/Fixed Date | # of Days from Open to R4R | # of Days from R4R to QC/Fixed | # of Days Overall |
* Table includes selected columns from the query
Q1019: QC and Open Checkpoints-last 2500
This query returns Open Item information along with dates for Ready For Review and QC/Fixed for the last 2,500 Open Issues. It also includes checkpoint notes.
Data included*:
B | C | D | G | I | M | N | Q |
Checkpoint URL |
Inspection ID | Checklist Name | Project Name | Phase Name | Responsible Party Code | Responsible Party Name | Inspector Name |
R | S | T | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Inspection Date | Checkpoint Description | CA Notes | Checkpoint Status | Date Issue Opened | R4R Checked | Date R4R checked | Date QC/Fixed |
* Table includes selected columns from the query
Q1022: List of attachments - first 2000 from the most recent inspections
This query lists attachment details for inspections within the selected projects and date range. Also see Q1027.
Data included*:
B | C | D | F | H | J | L | N |
Attachment URL |
Attachment File Name | Attachment Size | Inspection ID Number | Inspection Date | Project Name | Phase Name | Checklist Name |
* Table includes selected columns from the query
Q1023: Deficiency History - most recent 3000
This query returns Open Item information along with dates for Ready For Review and QC/Fixed for the last 2,500 Open Issues. It also includes checkpoint notes.
Data included*:
D | F | G | H | I | J | K | M |
Inspection ID Number |
Open Issue | Inspector Name | Responsible Party Name | Date of Open Item | Due Date | Date QC/Fixed | Days Open |
* Table includes selected columns from the query
Q1025: All checkpoints (expanded, up to 10000)
This query returns uses your Customization Preferences for column headers and is great as an export to bring your FTQ360 data into 3rd party report and dashboard writers. Use this query to download all checkpoint data from your inspections.
- Checkpoint data includes Reason Codes, Corrective Action Codes, and Key Metrics and will be updated as new checkpoint fields are added to FTQ360.
- NEW! This query includes Checkpoint Category, Division and Assigned Approver.
- This query includes key metric data. If you have fewer than 5 custom key metrics, the additional query columns will include placeholders with the term "KeyMetric" as the column header.
- Checkpoint locations are included on the Q1025 query. When running query Q1025, you can select specific checkpoint locations for filtering the data. The Q1025 query lists 35+ fields of checkpoint data, which can be very useful for custom analytics.
- Score Checkpoints are included in the Column E - Checkpoint Status.
- This query can be setup as an API. The API exported data includes inserts, updates, and deletes in the last 24 hours.
Data included*:
D | E | F | G | H | J | K | M |
Checkpoint |
Checkpoint Status |
Checkpoint Observation Notes |
Corrective Action Notes | Reason Code |
Assigned Responsible Party |
Assigned Approver |
Priority |
N - Q | R | S | T | U | W | X | Z |
Key Metrics |
Open Date |
Date R4R | Date Corrected |
Date FTQ |
Checkpoint Category |
Location |
Inspection ID |
AA | AB | AC | AD | AE | AF | AG | AH |
Inspection Date |
Division | Project | Phase | Checklist |
Primary Resp. Party |
Inspector | Last Activity Date |
* Table includes selected columns from the query
* Labels vary and are set by account
Q1027: Inspection Pictures and Attachments
This query lists attachment details for inspections within the selected projects and date range. Also see Q1022.
- This query can be setup as an API. The API exported data includes inserts, updates, and deletes in the last 24 hours.
Data included*:
B | C | D | E | F | I | J | K |
Attachment Link |
Attachment File Name | Attachment Notes | Attachment Date | Attachment Size | Checkpoint | Checkpoint Status | Checkpoint Notes |
N | O | P | Q | S | T | V | X |
Responsible Party |
Date Open | Date R4R | Date Corrected | Inspection ID | Inspection Date | Project | Phase |
* Table includes selected columns from the query
Q1029: All Inspections (up to 10,000)
The Q1029 query report provides all header information related to inspections output (401 series reports). With this query, you can perform custom analysis, use the data to maintain a local database for custom reporting or merge into a corporate database.
- This query can be setup as an API. The API exported data includes inserts, updates, and deletes in the last 24 hours.
- NEW! New columns have been added for Division, and Project Information Custom Fields (1-5)
- NEW! Project status column has been added to the query.
Data included*:
B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I |
Group ID |
Inspection ID | Inspection Date | Inspection Status | Project Code |
Project Name |
Phase Code | Phase Name |
K | M | O | Q | S | U | W | Y |
Location |
Equipment | Category | Checklist | Inspector | Resp. Party | Crew | Plan Item |
* Table includes selected columns from the query
Q1041: ITP Plan Listing Query (up to 10000)
The Q1041 query report lists all plan items for a project, including start dates and due dates. The selection URL added has been added as a new column. This allows you to jump to the selection process directly from the data query spreadsheet and/or create QR Code Labels.
Data included*:
B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I |
Group ID |
Plan Item Code | Division | Project | Phase |
Location |
Equipment | Resp. Party |
K | M | O | Q | S | U | V | X |
Inspector |
Category | Seq. No. | Start Date | Quantity | GPS | Active | URL |
* Table includes selected columns from the query
Schedule Data Queries
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