Many companies never realize the true power and value of the information coming from their quality management efforts. FTQ360 provides a wide array of reporting tools that allow you to take full advantage of that data. With this interface, you've got trend, progression and risk analysis at your fingertips.
In addition to the Inspection PDF Report, you can run a number of analytical print outs to manage deficiencies, due dates and process compliance. You can also run trend analysis reports to track recurring problems and the success of your improvement efforts.
Analytic Reports are broken into the following categories.
**NOTE: The term "Report" was changed to "Print Out" to eliminate confusion with the inspection reports. Some videos and help documentation still refer to Prints Outs as Reports.
Print Outs>Run New
These are the print outs that have been "activated" for your account. You'll probably run these print outs on a regular basis, and you can set filters to target specific projects, checklists, date ranges and more.
For print outs that are run often, you can save filter settings as a "Favorite Print Out."
You can activate more reports to "Run New" at System Admin>System Tables Setup>Activate Print Outs.
- For more information, check out How to Run Print Outs.
Print Outs>List Recent
This screen lists print outs that were run in the last 30 days.
System Admin>System Tables Setup>Activate Print Outs
This screen allows you to add or remove print outs from your account, as well as schedule print outs to run and email automatically.
Data Queries
When a stylized report is not needed or you just want to easily export data into Excel to sort and filter, run a Data Query. A Data query is a basic request for information from the FTQ360 database.
You can choose from commonly-used Data Queries that have already been formatted for FTQ360 users, such as login activity, last 2500 Open and QC checkpoints, deficiency history, and much more.
- For more information, check out How to Run a Data Query.
Auto-Print Outs
Automatic Print Outs are generated and emailed on a pre-set schedule, which can be daily, weekly or monthly. These print outs can go to virtually anyone in the organization from upper management to Project Managers to Responsible Parties. There is a wide variety of print outs, ranging from inspection report copies, open deficiencies, summaries and more.
Print Out generation follows the formatting and scheduling that are specified in System Admin>System Tables Setup>Activate Print Outs.
- For more information, check out Schedule a Print Out to Run and Email Automatically.
Print Out Improvements & Customization
We've reduced the size of print outs by approximately 25%. You may notice that the fonts are slightly smaller and there is less space between the rows. Pictures are still the same size, but you can choose to have either 2 or 4 pictures per row if you want to reduce the report even further.
- For more information, check out Preference for 2 or 4 Pictures per Row on Reports
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