This dashboard allows you to compare responsible parties based on their number of defects per 1000 checkpoints checked. The benefit of using this metric is that is equalizes the numbers between responsible parties who do a lot of work and others who do less. The Dashboard has 3 graph panels that include "Deficiencies per 1000 Checkpoints (DPK) Trend," "DPK Checkpoints by Category," and "DPK Checkpoints by Responsible Party."
DPK = Deficiencies per 1,000
A. Project Filter: Use this drop down to select one specific project or all projects.
B. Date Range Filter: Time periods include "This month (until now)" and "Last month (only)" shown weekly on the trend graph, "Prior 12 months (not this)" shown monthly, and "Prior 12 months (+this)" shown quarterly.
C. Deficiencies per 1000 Checkpoints (DPK) Trend: TBD.
D. DPK Checkpoints By Category: This panel ranks each category by performance. "Categories" are selected on your Checklist Setup screen. Checkpoint categories are not used on this dashboard.
E. DPK Checkpoints By Responsible Party: This panel ranks the Responsible Party performance.
DPK = [the total number of deficient (FIXED + OPN) checkpoints] / [the total number (FTQ+QC+OPN) checkpoints]) x 1000.
For example, a subcontractor with 150 deficiencies out of 10,000 checkpoints has a DPK of 15. Another subcontractor with 5 deficiencies out of 100 checkpoints has a DPK of 50.
DPK is the construction industry variation of the manufacturing sector's Six Sigma "Defects-Per-Million-Opportunities" except DPK uses defects-per-thousand opportunities. DPK and %First Time Quality use the same data in different ways; a DPK of 20 = 98% FTQ.
For simplification and consistency, the deficiency data on this dashboard is based on the inspection date not the date the deficiency was created if different than the inspection date. Deficiencies added to an inspection a month or more after the inspection was created may not appear on this dashboard.
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