The New Asset/Equipment Setup screen lets you manage all of your Assets from one screen.
- "Assets" refers to machinery or apparatus that can be moved from one location or project to another. Examples include cranes, heavy equipment such as front loaders, or any type of rental units.
- "Equipment" refers to machines or devices that do not move. Once installed, they remain in the same location or project. An example of "Equipment" would be a boiler or cooling tower.
On this new Asset/Equipment setup page, you can add new assets and/or equipment and assign to a project. Once a piece of Equipment has been assigned to a Project, it cannot be moved or re-assigned to another Project. Assets, along with documents and attachments such as maintenance logs can be moved or reassigned to other projects. All Assets and Equipment on the Asset/Equipment Setup screen will also display under the "Project Equipment" area on the Project to which they are assigned. There's also an Assignment History page for Asset (not Equipment) so you can see a log of assignment changes made over time.
1. Go to Setup > Asset/Equipment Setup.
2. All Projects Drop-Down: Use this drop-down to filter the data on the screen to display assets for a specific project. Choose "All" to display assets in every project.
3. Active/Inactive Drop-Down: Use this drop-down to filter the data on the screen to display the Active or Inactive assets only. Choose "All" to display both Active and Inactive assets.
4. Search Field: Type a keyword in this field to filter your choices or find a specific asset.
5. Add Button: To Add Asset(s), click the “+Add” button. Click multiple times to insert multiple rows.
6. Code: You can enter a specific code or allow the system to assign a generic code.
7. Seq.: This field designates the order of how the assets display on the Inspection Entry screen. The order is from smallest to largest. You can use decimal points, if necessary, to get the exact order you want.
- For example, an asset with the sequence number “3” will be above any assets with the sequence number “4”. If you’d like another asset in between 3 and 4, you can give it the sequence number “3.5” or any decimal in between “3” and “4."
8. Type: Use the drop-down menu to select the "Asset Type."
- Asset - Machinery or apparatus that can be moved from one location or project to another. Examples include cranes, heavy equipment such as front loaders, or any type of rental units..
- Equipment - Machines or devices that do not move. Once installed, they remain in the same location or project. An example of "Equipment" would be a boiler or cooling tower..
9. Description: Enter the asset name in the Description field. This is a required field.
10. Project: This drop-down allows you to associate the asset to a specific project.
11. Phase: This drop-down allows you to associate the asset to a specific phase.
12. Location: This drop-down allows you to associate the asset to a specific location.
13. Attach: To add an "Attachment," click the paperclip to open the drop-down list. You can select "File," "Link," or "Note," depending on what you want to attach.
- "File" will allow you to upload a document from your computer.
- "Link" will allow you to post a URL to a webpage.
- "Note" will allow open a dialog box where you can type a message.
14. Active: The Asset is automatically checked as active. If you don't want to make it active yet, click the checkbox to remove the check mark.
15. Trashcan: To Delete the checkpoint, click on the "red trashcan" icon.
- If there is no trashcan icon available, the checkpoint cannot be deleted.
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