Now you have dynamic branching ability based on entries made on the inspection screen. It allows IF-Then branching based an entry or status of any other checkpoint. You also have the ability to cascade branches based on entries made at each junction. This is useful for asking a series of questions that lead the inspector to properly complete an inspection based on observations made along the way. It is also opens new opportunities for creating master checklists that insert groups of checkpoints based on inspector entries.
This example will setup this If/Then checkpoints:
Example: Product delivered free of damage (if no, then add: Describe damage and take photos.)
1. Select the Checklist and go to the Checkpoints screen.
2. Add the primary inspection "If" checkpoint that will have a choice. The "If" logic can be based on an evaluation button (FTQ, FIXED, OPN, or NA) or a text option (YES or NO, A or B, etc.).
- Example: Jobsite left clean and ready for next trade (is our "If" checkpoint)
3. Next add the "Then" checkpoint(s) to be inserted depending on the response to the a previous "If" checkpoint.
- Example: Take photo and complete Safety Violation report (is our "Then" checkpoint)
4. In the Edit panel on the righthand side of the screen, select "Behavior."
5. For the Visibility Formula, click the "Create" button.
6. Select either "Note" or "Status". Status is the checkpoint status (FTQ, OPN, FIXED, N/A). Note is text entered into the "Enter Observations" field on the Inspection entry screen. This can be a free form entry, an Auto Option selection or Auto Option button.
7. Click Save.
If-Then branching and visibility based on multiple criteria
Now you can use free-form Excel-like formulas to hide or show checkpoints. This gives you the ability to have a master checklist template that has many options that are initially hidden but dynamically add checkpoints to the inspection depending on the work being inspected and the inspection observations. The formulas can be based on almost any data that appears on the inspection report. You can also use formulas with complex logic such as If-Then, AND, OR.
On Checklist Setup>Checkpoint>Options you start in designer view and click “Formula View”. You can revert to “Designer View” if no changes are made. If-then formulas are available to Power Plan accounts.
Enhanced If/Then Logic
Using the if-then logic to insert specific checkpoints is a popular feature, so we added several criterial that makes it more useful than ever! For example, your criterial can be based on “Includes” and “Starts with” to look for specific words in other checkpoints, and “Is empty” can set a reminder on the basis of data not entered yet. Power accounts can switch to formula mode and use the logic rules in complex logic formulas. The possibilities are endless.
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