This article is a continuation of Add a New Checklist and Edit a Checklist.
1. Click the "Go To Advanced View" button on the Process Menu.
2. Select the Checklist by clicking the circle at the beginning of the row.
- Checklists are alphabetized by Description. You can reverse sort by clicking the "Description" column header. Scroll down the page to find the Checklist.
- Use the "Search" field in the upper right hand corner to narrow your choices.
- Use the "Filter" drop-down to display "All," "Active Only," or "Inactive Only."
The Advanced View will expand the column headers to provide additional Setup Options.
3. Code - Enter a "Checklist Code" from scheduling or accounting records, or use the default code generated by the system
4. Sequence - This field designates the order of each checklist on the Inspection Entry screen. The default order is from smallest to largest. You can use decimal points, if necessary, to get the exact order you want.
- For example, a task with the sequence number “3” will be above any tasks with the sequence number “4." If you’d like another task in between those two tasks, you can give it the sequence number “3.5” or any decimal in between “3” and “4."
5. Category - Select the “Category” by using the drop-down menu. Type keywords into the drop-down menu to help find the category faster!
- Category is used to organize checklists. The Category name will be shown along with the checklist name on your Inspection Entry screen and reports.
- Is there a Category missing? You can add Categories under "Customization." Go to SETUP>Customization and select "Common Checklist Items." For more information go to: "Category"
6. Type - Use the drop-down menu to select the Checkpoint Type.
- Choose “Construction Checklist” for all checklists that do not apply to equipment inspections.
- Choose “Equipment Checklist” when you’ve added equipment to your project and you’d like to inspect those pieces of equipment and attach documents to the equipment during inspection.
7. Text - Edit the Checklist Title in the "Text" box.
8. Attach - To add an "Attachment," click the paperclip to open the drop-down list. You can select "File," "Link," or "Note," depending on what you want to attach.
- "File" will allow you to upload a document from your computer.
- "Link" will allow you to post a URL to a webpage.
- "Note" will allow open a dialog box where you can type a message.
9. Active - Check or uncheck the "Active" box to make the checklist active or inactive. Inactive checklists will not be available for selection during the Inspection selection process or the Project setup process.
10. Common Chkpt - The checklist will automatically be checked to show "Common Checkpoints."
- If the box is checked, a "Common Checkpoints" will display on the bottom of the Checklist. Most accounts have a pre-set Common Checkpoint to “Enter deficiency.” For more information , visit “Customizations>Common Checklist Items."
11. Click "Save" to save your new changes.
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