Checkpoint and Checklist updates
- DYNAMIC MATRIX NEW HEADER: New type of checkpoint. The dynamic matrix "custom header" is a dynamic matrix checkpoint were the first set of checkpoints become column headings on the inspection report. This feature gives inspectors the ability to create to a custom data matrix while inspecting, including the column headers. Uses include recording measurements for a feature when the type of feature varies.
- IMPROVED CHECKLIST FORMAT: Improved Checklist formatting. Checklists look better and work better on small smartphone screens.
- PREVIEW CHECKLIST: Now you can preview a checklist as you add checkpoints by clicking the preview icon.
- DUE DATE AUTOMATICALLY SET FOR OPEN ITEMS: Now when a checklist has a new open items a due date is set for one week from now, which can be changed. This makes it easier to keep track of open items. The problem solved is that when open items don't have a due date they are the lowest priority and might be missed.
Additional data report (FTQ-900) provides 60-day listing grid data in an online report. the report offers a full array of filter and can be saved in Excel spreadsheet format.
Messaging - Now there are alerts and messages that appear when there is something you should know about.
Partner Sharing
- ALL USERS CAN BROWSE CHECKLISTS: Now all users can browse the checklist sharing library. Only users with setup permissions can download the checklist to the account.
- INVITING YOUR SUBCONTRACTORS/PARTNER TO JOIN YOUR INSPECTIONS: Now homebuilders and GCs can invite their subcontractors to inspect using their own free FTQ360 accounts. Subcontractors inspect on their own account and the inspections can be viewed directly on your screens and reports. In the subcontractor setup area, you have the ability to select the subcontractor, and then which checklists and communities you want them to share with you. Click the invite button their FTQ360 account is automatically created and they get an invitation email. After they login they can begin inspecting immediately.
- REAL TIME SYNCHRONIZATION WITH YOUR SUBCONTRACTORS : Their inspections appear as if they were users on your account. The subcontractors view your inspections and open items as if you entered them on their account. The subcontractors also have the ability to add their own users and perform private inspections and/or share them in a similar way with other subcontractors or builders.
Management Screen
- ADVANCE VIEW ON GRIDS: Advanced view on setup grids.
- NEW WAIT INDICATOR: New wait indicator provides wait information in a new format.
Checkpoint and Checklist Updates
- "WHAT'S NEXT" PRIORITY LISTING: The "What's Next" priority listing screen now consolidates open checkpoints, inspections, corrective actions, and plan items into one list. The list is put in priority order based on due dates and missed inspections. On the grid you have the ability to close the item, add notes, change status, or open the the inspection checklist. there are various filters so you can see only your items and/or only a selected project.
- PREVIEW CHECKLISTS: Preview checklists by hovering over the "info" icon.
- ADDITIONAL FILTERS: Additional filters allow you to filter data on reports by checkpoint, score types, and inspector types. This give you the ability to precisely select data for specialized reports, for example, you can select safety checkpoints and scores and extract only safety - related inspection data even though the original inspection includes both quality and safety checkpoints.
- FAVORITE REPORTS: Now you can easily rerun your favorite reports online. After choosing a report and filters you can save the selections as a favorite report. You choose rerun the report anytime by selecting it from you list of favorite reports.
- NEW PRESET DATE RANGES: Now when you run online reports you can use 11 preset date ranges such as "last week, "this year" Last 30 days" as well as a custom range.
- NEW TREND REPORTS: There are new 12-month trend reports that show month by month trends broken out by scores and % FTQ by checklist, responsible party, and project. The date is appended to inspection reports created from the checklist. This allows you to save reports without manually renaming them.
- NEW UPDATE IN DEFICIENCY REPORTS: Now you can assign a number value to an open deficiency. Meaning of the value can be set as a preference. Uses include the $ cost of the deficiency, severity rating, safety risk factor, and hold $ pending correction. The amount is totaled on deficiency reports.
- IMPROVED BAR CHART: An improved bar chart on the FTQ-462 detailed trend reports makes it easier to see overall trends.
- NEW DEFICIENCY REPORTS: A series on new open deficiency reports were added for scheduling daily and weekly to the company, project personnel, and responsible parties. They are in the FTQ-405 and FTQ-406 series of reports.
- NEW "DATA" REPORT: A new type of "data listing" report is now available. The reports allow you to use the online report runner to select data and save the output as an Excel spreadsheet file. The reports are listed in the FTQ-900 series of reports.
- FASTER GENERATED REPORTS: Online reports run twice as fast now.
- FILTERS: Now when you select a report online, the available data filters are shown. You can jump between filters and when ready click "run report".
ITP (Inspection & Test Plan) Feature
Now you can upload schedule files into FTQ360 inspection plans. This gives you the ability to use your scheduling system to schedule FTQ360 inspections, and keep dates synchronized. Scheduled inspections are displayed in priority order on the "What's next priority" screen.
Management Screen
- "ADD NEW" BUTTON: The "Add New" button on all setup screens is now on the left side (was on right) so it is always visible on narrow screens.
- KEYWORD POPUPS REMOVED: Mobile users will appreciated that unwanted keyboard popups have been removed.
Server upgrade and cut-over is complete. Computing power is doubled.
Checkpoint Types
- DYNAMIC MATRIX: You can now create tables or a matrix of data on inspection reports with the new "Matrix" type of dynamic checkpoint. The inspector presses the checkpoint button and enters repetitive sets of data. The data is formatted as a table on inspection reports. Uses include collecting sample data for a number of concrete deliveries, torque measurements on many connection bolts, or anything that appears as tables in paper test reports.
- MULTI-SELECT: Selection checkpoints let you create a selection of response options that your inspector will choose from a drop-down list that you create. Only the selected item appears on inspection reports. Expected uses are when structured responses are required such as choosing a red, green, or yellow.
- COMMON/UNIVERSAL CHECKPOINTS: Let you add a checkpoint or set of common checkpoints to one checklist and have it appear on all of your checklists. A recommended use is to add an "Enter punch item" dynamic check so you can handle punchlist items consistently across all inspection checklists.
- INSPECTOR INSTRUCTIONS: The "Inspector Instructions" checkpoint is seen by inspectors but does not appear on reports. This feature lets you include guidance, reminders, or procedural steps on the inspection screen that are not printed on inspection reports or used in performance calculations.
- UNGROUP DYNAMIC CHECKPOINTS: You can now undo a group of dynamic checkpoints that were added to an inspection checklist. This lets inspectors preview dynamic checkpoints, and then removed them if they are not needed.
- DETAILED TREND REPORTS: New reports for data lovers provides detailed performance trends of responsible parties (FTQ-426) checklists (FTQ-475), or project (FTQxxx). Weekly trend data shows percent FTQ checkpoints and scores, separated by type of inspector. The report
- OPEN PUNCH ITEM/ISSUES REPORT WITH ADVANCED FILTERS: New punchlist deficiency reports show project personnel all open punch items in one place with all the pictures and notes from the original inspection. Responsible parties have a running to-do list of their open punch items. The report consolidate all open checkpoint deficiencies from all inspections and punchlists by project (ftq405B) and/or responsible party (ftq405A). An array of online filters give you the ability to see only the data that interests you. You also have the ability to activate a weekly schedule for the report which works well for your weekly status reviews.
- AUTO-EMAIL OVERDUE PUNCH ITEM/ISSUES REPORT: A new overdue punchlist deficiency report (FTQ-407) automates the notification follow up on punch items. FTQ360 automatically emails project personnel and the responsible party when there is an overdue punchlist item.
- DRILL-DOWN ANALYSIS REPORTS: [NewFeatures2015Oct9] A new class of online data reports gives you the ability to use raw FTQ360 data for your own analysis, backup, or importing into other computer systems. You have the ability to run online reports with an array of filters to get the data you want. The first example of these reports is for a client that wanted to total the number of checkpoints checked in any time period. We'd like to hear from you about what data you would like to see in other data reports! Contact Us.
ITP (Inspection & Test Plan) Feature
- PLAN REQUIRED INSPECTION: Inspection and test plans is a new set of features that gives you the ability to plan required inspections and automatically monitor progress. As inspections or tests are completed, FTQ360 automatically posts them to an online ITP status report and calculates percent complete.
- PLAN RECURRING INSPECTIONS: An ITP template gives you the ability to easily create recurring inspection and test plans. The ITP template is useful for repetitive types of construction such as homebuilding, repeating phases of work such as work tasks that get repeated on every floor or every unit, and by specialty contractors that repeat series of inspections such as pre-install, work tasks, and final closeout. When a project phase is setup, you can choose the appropriate ITP template, then modify the ITP for that project as needed.
Management Screen
- PRIORITY DASHBOARD: A new priority dashboard screen helps you decide what to inspect next. You review high priority punchlist deficiencies, inspections that have not passed, and inspections that should be done.
- MASS CLOSE/CHANGE DATE/OVERRIDE AND SET PRIORITIES: You have the ability to close items, change dates, override the priority, or set the priority for others. Various filters give you the ability to focus on items that are your responsibility.
Partner Sharing
- PARTNER GROUP DATA SHARING: Partner data sharing is available for pre-release trials. Partner data sharing gives you the ability to seamlessly share punchlists and inspections to and from any number of FTQ360 account holders. This allows any GCs, home builders, subcontractors, and inspection companies to have separate accounts and selectively share inspections. Partner inspections appear on your screens and reports as if they entered their data on your account. You set it up by inviting partners to share specific projects and inspections. FTQ360 then integrates their information with yours on screens and reports.
Checklist Sharing Library
- COPY CHECKLISTS FROM SHARING LIBRARY TO YOUR ACCOUNT: There is a new FTQ360 checklist template sharing library where you can download any of the 200 available checklists to your account. This gives you the ability to expand your own checklist library with high quality checklists.
- SHARE YOUR CHECKLISTS WITH OTHER FTQ360 USERS: Now you can share your checklist template creations with other users. You have the ability to submit any of your checklists to the FTQ360 Sharing Library where other users throughout the FTQ360 Community can download and use them.
While you are inspecting, your updates are auto-saved in the background. This eliminates delays when you leave the checklist to take pictures or create external communications. It is also gives you peace of mind to know that if you get interrupted, your input is saved.
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