Table of Contents
- New Personal Home Page
- Dashboard Updates
- Project Setup Updates
- User Setup Updates
New Personal Home Page
You can now add a personal home page that displays common actions and information specific to you. This home page gives you easy access the backlog of things to do and quickly take action.
The home page has these features:
- Gives the option of initiating a new inspection
- Gives the option of continuing an existing inspection.
- Lists open deficiencies assigned to the user.
- Lists recent inspection messages with the ability to go to the checkpoint and respond.
- List recent emails and notifications sent to the user by FTQ360.
- Lists a recent history of FTQ360 actions taken by the user with the ability to continue.
Each feature can be turned on/off so that your Home Screen is customized to what you want to see. DEV-8982
- Instructions: Personal Home Page
- Instructions: Set Homepage for User Types
Set Home Pages for each Inspector Type
You can set the home page for each User Type. When that user type clicks the home page icon, they will be returning to a specific screen. In this publish, we have improved the options listed on the dropdown menu so they are clearer. This is accessible at System Admin> Account Management>Home Pages. DEV-9241
- Instructions: Set Homepages for User Types
Use Cases:
- General Inspectors go to Start New>Start New Inspection when clicking the home button
- Subcontractors go to Deficiencies>List All when clicking the home button
ITP/QAQC Count of Passed Dashboard Links to Filtered Listing Grid
On the ITP % of Inspections Passed Dashboard, a “Show ITPs” button is added to blue header band in the same style as deficiency dashboards. On click, a new tab opens the ITPs Listing Grid. The rows are filtered by the dashboard selections. DEV-8984.
- Instructions: ITP/QAQC Count of Passed
Inspection Report Activity Dashboard Links to Filtered Listing Grid
A “Show Reports” button has added to the blue header band in the same style as deficiency dashboards. On click, a new tab opens the archive inspection reports listing listing grid. The rows are filtered by the dashboard selections. DEV-8983.
- Instructions: Inspection Activity by Project and Inspectors
Project Active/Inactive button has added text
When you go to System Admin>Project Setup, you'll notice added text to the blue Active/Inactive button. This statement is to help clarify that by making a project inactive, you are not changing or removing access to that project's past inspection. Deactivating a project simply removes it from the Start a New Inspection screen. DEV-9095
- Instructions: Project Setup
Project>Phase Filter for Setup & Run Print Outs Improved
The filters for selecting Project>Phase in the setup screen and Run Print Outs screen are now more intuitive with improved labels, an expand all button (for searches), and a simpler save action. This allows you to 1) to search for phases across all projects without having to open each project, and 2) easily see what selections have been made. Dev-9038
- Instructions: Project Setup
- Instructions: Run a Print-Out (Report)
Use Cases
- Commissioning Customer needs to print 401 for a specific pole (phases) and doesn’t know which project the phase is in. The search for the print out filters goes through all projects and finds the phase.
- Solar company needs to edit a specific panel (phase) but doesn’t have the project info, only the panel info.
Add notes field to User setup
A notes field has been added to each user in the User Setup Screen. This allows the admin to add special notes about the user, such as a special phone number, detailed title or service area, etc. The notes field is located on the Details Panel, and can be added to the user listing grid. These notes are only visible on the User Setup screen and not appear or print anywhere else. To access, go to System Admin>User Setup. DEV-9273
- Instructions: Add a User
- Instructions: Hyperlink
Use Cases:
- You need to add a contact phone number to the user.
- You want to clarify the role/title of the user.
User Setup Permissions Terms Improved
The terms in the "Permissions & Roles" section of User Setup have been updated to match the corresponding terms throughout the system. This should make each permission clearer. DEV-9302
- Instructions: Edit User Permissions
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