To avoid double compression and achieve the same compression regardless of the device sending the image to the server (e.g. iOS, Android and Web application images), we have restructured the current parameter-set and made the setting available in Customization Preferences.
1. Go to Setup>Customization Preferences
2. Type "images" in the search field and press enter
3. "Image quality setting for JPEG compression on the server (percentage)" defaults to 35%. To increase the image quality, type a higher number in the Term field.
- The amount of JPEG compression is typically measured as a percentage of the quality level. An image at 100% quality has (almost) no loss, and 1% quality is a very low quality image.
- The higher the quality, the longer it can take to sync to the server.
4. Maximum image height or width for attachments defaults to 1920 pixels. To increase or decrease the image size, type a valid height/width in the Term field.
- Valid range is 400-3840 pixels.
5. Click Save.
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