Common Checkpoints are checkpoints that you want to appear on almost every checklist. For example, if you wanted a Jobsite Cleanliness scoring checkpoint on every checklist, you could setup a "common checkpoint" so that will be inserted automatically into every checklist without you having to recreate it on each checklist.
The common checkpoint is added by clicking the "common checkpoint" box in Checklist Form Setup Process. See Step 10 in Edit a Checklist.
1. Go to: Setup > Customization > Common Checklist Items.
2. Select the "Go to Advanced View" button on the Process Menu.
3. Select "Common Checkpoints" on the Process Menu.
4. Click the "+Add" button to setup a new "Common Checkpoint" or select the Checkpoint you want to edit by clicking on the circle at the beginning of the row.
5. Code: You can enter a specific code or allow
6. Sequence: This field designates the order of each checkpoint on the Inspection Entry screen. The order is from smallest to largest. You can use decimal points, if necessary, to get the exact order you want.
- For example, a task with the sequence number “3” will be above any tasks with the sequence number “4”. If you’d like another task in between those two tasks, you can give it the sequence number “3.5” or any decimal in between “3” and “4."
7. Checkpoint Type: Use the drop-down menu to select the "Checkpoint Type." Click here for detailed information about Checkpoints.
- Data - allows an inspector to type comments into a note field. There are no FTQ check boxes.
- Dynamic Checkpoints - gives the inspector some options. Dynamic Checkpoints display as a grey button with white text. You set up a group of "Child" checkpoints under the Dynamic Checkpoint "button" and your inspector selects the “Dynamic” item button as many times as needed during the inspection. Often used when one part of an inspection can be done multiple times such as a Bedroom Inspection. A Dynamic Checkpoint can also be used when one part of an inspection is not always completed. If not selected, Dynamic Checkpoints do not show on PDF Inspection Reports.
- Dynamic Matrix - has the same characteristics of a Dynamic Checkpoint; however the Dynamic Matrix element is used to add multiple rows of data in columnar format to create a matrix or table of data. Each time the Dynamic Matrix button is selected a new table row drops down for data entry.
- Dynamic Matrix (Custom Header) - this is the same as a Dynamic Matrix except the first row of data entered by the inspector is used as a header row.
- Vertical Matrix - has the same characteristics of a Dynamic Checkpoint; however, the Dynamic Matrix element is used to add multiple columns of data to create a matrix or table of data. Each time the Dynamic Matrix button is selected a new table column drops down for data entry.
- Dynamic Selection - allows the inspector to select from pre-set choices from a drop-down menu.
- Header - a text-only, bold title. It's ideal to label a section or subdivide a long checklists. Headers are used by the Navigation feature to move around the inspection.
- Image - checkpoint with no check boxes, used when an image is required. Has a notes field and camera icon
- Inspector Instructions - used to give instructions, a reminder or to provide other information to the inspector that will not display on the PDF inspection report
- Quality - the standard checkpoint for "Quality" inspections. Provides 4 evaluation check boxes, a note field and camera icon.
- Quality Deficiency - this is the same as the quality checkpoint, except the "OPN" checkbox defaults to checked, meaning there is an open issue that needs to be addressed.
- Quality Hot Spot - A Hot Spot is a recurring issue that you want to track or pay special attention to. This checkpoint looks like a standard quality line, with FTQ, QC and OPN check boxes, as well as a camera icon.
- Safety - the standard checkpoint for "Safety" inspections. Provides 4 evaluation check boxes, a note field and camera icon. this is the same as the quality checkpoint, except the "OPN" checkbox defaults to checked, meaning there is an open issue that needs to be addressed.
- Safety Header - a text-only, bold title for a Safety section. It's ideal to label a section or subdivide a long checklist. Headers are used by the Navigation feature to move around the inspection.
- Safety Violation - this is the same as the safety checkpoint, except the "OPN" checkbox defaults to checked, meaning there is an open issue that needs to be addressed.
- Score Budget* - Add this scoring checkpoint to a section or any area on a checklist to rate the work of the category or trade being inspected using a 5 star rating system. Scores given on inspections are reported on Performance Reports.
- Score Cleanliness* - Add this scoring checkpoint to a section or any area on a checklist to rate the work of the category or trade being inspected using a 5 star rating system. Scores given on inspections are reported on Performance Reports.
- Score Productivity* - Add this scoring checkpoint to a section or any area on a checklist to rate the work of the category or trade being inspected using a 5 star rating system. Scores given on inspections are reported on Performance Reports.
- Score Project Management* - Add this scoring checkpoint to a section or any area on a checklist to rate the work of the category or trade being inspected using a 5 star rating system. Scores given on inspections are reported on Performance Reports.
- Score Quality* - Add this scoring checkpoint to a section or any area on a checklist to rate the work of the category or trade being inspected using a 5 star rating system. Scores given on inspections are reported on Performance Reports.
- Score Safety* - Add this scoring checkpoint to a section or any area on a checklist to rate the work of the category or trade being inspected using a 5 star rating system. Scores given on inspections are reported on Performance Reports.
- Score Schedule* - Add this scoring checkpoint to a section or any area on a checklist to rate the work of the category or trade being inspected using a 5 star rating system. Scores given on inspections are reported on Performance Reports.
- Score Teamwork* - Add this scoring checkpoint to a section or any area on a checklist to rate the work of the category or trade being inspected using a 5 star rating system. Scores given on inspections are reported on Performance Reports.
* Scoring Checkpoints are rated with stars. This allows you to put scores at the bottom your checklists.
Typical ratings are as follows:
- 5 = Perfect, 100%, no problems found
- 4 = Very good, 1-2 minor corrections
- 3 = Good, 3+ minor or 1 major correction
- 2 = Poor, 6+ minor or multiple major corrections
- 1 = Very poor, excessive problems
8. Text: Enter the checkpoint description in the Text field. This is a required field.
- The checkpoint title is all that is necessary to add the checkpoint. All other fields are optional.
9. Default Note: This field allows you to add pre-set notes that will appear in the comments field of an inspection.
10. Auto Options: This field allows you to create a drop-down menu of selectable options for the Inspector to use when conducting an inspection. This is similar to a Dynamic Selection checkpoint but without the button. Enter your first option in the field then press <ENTER> to start a new line. Begin typing the next option.
11. Project: Leave as "All". By choosing a project/community, you restrict the viewing of a checkpoint to one project/community making it a Project Restricted Checkpoint. In other words, the checkpoint will not be seen when inspecting in any other project than the one to which it is restricted.
12. R - Risk Factor: You can enter a "Risk Factor" for a checkpoint. If your company has a numeric scale to weight the severity of a checkpoint, you can enter that value in this field.
13. Category: This lets you assign a trade/category to a checkpoint. You can also create categories for any type of "Tag" or way you'd like to see information broken down for analysis. See Add or Edit a Category for more information.
- The benefit of assigning categories on the checkpoint level is that you can have checklists to inspect multiple trades with each checkpoint having its own category.
- This is a useful feature for milestone inspections such as pre-drywall that include checks for electrical, plumbing, and HVAC. Single trade inspections such as "Concrete Pour" automatically default to the category of the inspection.
- Checkpoint categories can be updated anytime and retroactively reflected on category reports.
- Checkpoint categories are transparent to inspectors and do not affect the inspection process.
14. JR - Job-ready Checkbox: This field identifies the checkpoint as being related to a "Job-ready" issue or verification of prior work. For example, if you are a specialty contractor doing self-inspections and find issues that you need to fix before you can start work and these issues are related to the job site not being ready (job-ready) then you might want to add a "Dynamic Checkpoint" to the beginning of your checklist for listing Job-ready issues. By checking the "JR" box on the Checkpoint screen when you create the Checklist
- Reporting of job-ready issues do not reflect negatively on the primary responsible party, particularly important when using inspections for performance management and subcontractors self-inspections.
- This lets you link job-ready checkpoint data to the actual party responsible for the issue, not the Trade whose work is currently being inspected.
15. Attach: To add an "Attachment," click the paperclip to open the drop-down list. You can select "File," "Link," or "Note," depending on what you want to attach.
- "File" will allow you to upload a document from your computer.
- "Link" will allow you to post a URL to a webpage.
- "Note" will allow open a dialog box where you can type a message.
Open Checkpoint Attachments: Checkpoints with Attachments have a toggle icon on the left-hand side of the checkpoint row. Click the icon to toggle it down and you'll see the attachments.
Delete Checkpoint Attachments: Delete the attachment by clicking the light gray trashcan icon to the far right of the attachment.
Checklist References: Attachments you add to checklists are displayed as "Checklist References" on the Inspection entry screen. They will be located at the bottom of the blue header area. Use the click the toggle icon to the downward position to view and open the attachments.
16. Active: The checkpoint is automatically checked as active. If you don't want to make it active yet, click the checkbox to remove the check mark.
17. Trash Can: To Delete the checkpoint, click on the "red trashcan" icon.
- If there is no trashcan icon available, the checkpoint cannot be deleted.
18. Click the "Save" button to save your new Common Checkpoint.
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