Tentative Release Date: Monday night, 8/3 at 9 pm ET
New Features
If-Then checkpoints: Now you have dynamic branching ability based on entries made on the inspection screen. It allows IF-Then branching based an entry or status of any other checkpoint. You also have the ability to cascade branches based on entries made at each junction. This is useful for asking a series of questions that lead the inspector to properly complete an inspection based on observations made along the way. It is also opens new opportunities for creating master checklists that insert groups of checkpoints based on inspector entries.
Interactive scheduling of inspectors and inspections on a timeline: See the completion status of planned inspections for a project, slide to schedule/reschedule the inspection, and assign an inspector. This gives you the ability to use FTQ360 to match upcoming inspections to inspectors and track their progress on one screen. Available to Enterprise accounts.
New inspection and test plan (ITP) Listing Screen: Easily find ITP status and and details on a single listing screen including past and future projects. Filter, sort, and download the selected data. The ITP listing screen complements the inspection and deficiency listing screens of a similar format.
Project email list option for inspection emails: Now you have the ability to narrow the inspection email selection list to only project and responsible parties active on the project. With this option, emails from other users and and responsible parties are not displayed. This is a useful feature when you want to focus project inspectors on need-to-know emails relevant to the project and hide your complete email list of users and responsible parties.
Linked accounts for all users: Now anyone with multiple FTQ360 logins has the ability to link them together so that they can login once and easily switch between accounts with a single click. This is handy for users that may work on several accounts or to switch between users on one account.
- Click here for more details about Add or Edit Linked Accounts
- Click here for more details about Change User Password (Updated)
Matrix Updates
Matrix table formula calculations: FTQ360 will make Excel-like formula calculations based on values of any checkpoints on the inspection and insert it into a matrix table. This gives you the ability to perform complex engineering and measurement calculations that previously required external spreadsheets. Calculations are also useful for summarizing row data on daily time reports. Available to Enterprise accounts.
- Click here for more details about Create a Dynamic Matrix
- Click here for more details about Dynamic Matrix Calculations & Formulas
Improved formatting of matrix tables on reports: Tables width now adjust to the number of columns to fill the full width of the inspection report thus avoiding excessively folded text in narrow columns.
Report Updates
A new report to show Incomplete & Not Started Planned Inspections by inspector: Report FTQ-485q provides a list of incomplete and not started planned inspections by inspector, as well as inspections not yet assigned to inspectors. Run it online or on an automatic weekly schedule. Save it as a favorite report with project filters and schedule it for interested parties. This is useful for keeping track of inspections scheduled for each inspector and making sure all planned inspections get assigned. It is also useful for inspectors to see their own backlog of scheduled inspections.
New sort order (Project-Phase-ITP) for 401 Report: The FTQ-401ex report allows you to automatically print out inspections that are in the same Project-Phase-ITP Sequence order as the FTQ-485 series of ITP progress and status reports. This is helps easily prepare project closeout and monthly ITP status reporting to clients and/or project repositories.
A new report for photos and attachments only: Now with the report FTQ-593 you have with the ability to submit pictures in a separate report file. The pictures and attachments also have clickable links to the original files. This report is useful for submittals to clients that have legacy requirements for separate submittals, or you want to keep pictures is a dedicated repository.
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