New Setup Activity Log
Who did that? Now you have visibility into setup adds/changes/deletes, when they were made and by whom. Included is setup activity for checklists templates, projects, responsible parties, users, and permissions. You now have the ability to use this to monitor setup activity or investigate unexpected setup changes.
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Smart Inspector Project Access and Permissions Setup
Now when you add new phases to a project, FTQ360 figures out which inspectors should have access. Each inspector will inherit the highest access permissions that they have on ALL other phases of the project. When an inspector’s overall project permission box is marked as checked (not partials) they will get the same permission on newly added phase.
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Improved Dynamic Button Format
The dynamic button format is updated. It looks better, especially when there are a series of dynamic buttons.
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Add New Users - and Activate Later.
Now you have the option of adding new “inactive” users to FTQ360 and activate them later when you need them. This simplifies setting up users for new projects and then when the project progresses activating users as needed. In FTQ360 only active users count towards your subscription plan.
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Permission Counts on the User Setup Screen
Now it is easy to see how many users have each type of permission, especially when you have a lot of users. For example, seeing how many people have setup privileges or the number of inspectors can help keep permissions organized.
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New checklist setup screen tweaks.
The screens remember more settings and many small improvements, which make the new checklist setup screen better and easier to use. Continuous improvement!
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New Columns Added to the Q1025 and Q1029 Queries
By popular demand these queries have added some fields and consolidated names and codes in other columns. It makes the dataset more useful for analytics using visualization tools such as Power BI. On the Q1025 checkpoint detail query new columns include Checkpoint Category, Division and Assigned Approver. On the Q1029 Inspection query new columns include Division, and Project Information Custom Fields (1-5).
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Single Sign-On Improvements
Now SSO integrations can sign-on to FTQ360 by either the FTQ360 username or email. This provides flexibility to accommodate integrations with corporate authentication protocols that may use either email addresses or usernames.

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