New Inspector-Focused Report Filters
Now you can filter data that appears on reports by the specific inspector, or more broadly by the affiliated organization of the inspector, and/or the inspector type role. The selected filters apply to the specific checkpoints on the inspections. On team inspections, the filters can determine which checkpoints were performed by each inspector and the report that's produced will only return info from the selected inspectors, their affiliation, or inspector type. This tool is useful for quality managers who want to review the history of specific inspectors or third party inspection companies. Favorite reports save inspector filters so that you can run the report again later with new date parameters, and those favorite reports can be set to automatically compile and email on daily, weekly, or monthly schedules.
- Instructions: Run Online Reports
- Video: Create Favorite Reports
New Inspector-Specific Reports
A new series of inspector-specific reports allow users to track deficiencies an inspector has opened and receive alerts on open issues that are ready for review. These reports are particularly useful to inspectors who need to ensure that outstanding deficiencies are corrected and approved without delay. These repots can also notify managers of inspections that are ready for their review and approval, especially when used in conjunction with approval checkpoints. There are also several reports useful to Quality Managers Who oversee third party inspection companies, as this new report series can email the inspections performed by each TPI company.
- Instructions: Deficiency & Open Item Reports
- Instructions: Performance & Trend Reports
Automatic email notification when Approval Checkpoints are ready for review
We've streamlined the process for inspections that must be approved by a manager! A special approval checkpoint can be added to the checklist template. With it, the inspector can trigger an automatic request to the approver simply by checking Ready for Review. FTQ360 will email the approver a notification with a link back to the inspection.
- Instructions: Checkpoint Types
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