Checkpoint Comments

Schedule Data Queries
- Instructions: Schedule a Favorite Report or Data Query to run and email automatically
- Instructions: Data Queries
Security Update: Login one-device-at-a-time security enhancement
Email Triggers for Approval Checkpoints
Inspection approvers are notified via email that a checkpoint needs action from them when the R4R box is clicked.
Take Videos with New Android App Version 9.0
Take videos right on the inspection screen. The procedure is just like taking a photo. When the camera opens, choose “Video”, then review the video and crop using the smart slider– which is very useful to remove unnecessary footage of your feet 😉 from the beginning or end. Videos can be up to one minute long. Like photos, you can take a sequence of videos and/or photos, and the videos are GPS and time stamped. They can be viewed from the inspection screen or from PDF reports. This is an improvement updated to the feature that was published earlier this year.
- Instructions: Taking & Editing Photos and Videos for your Inspection
Click-Sort on Setup Selections
Screen-specific Help
Other mentionable Improvements:
- The inspection and test (ITP) detail screen fields are reordered and position the frequently used plans at the top of the screen.
- There is an new set of “Information Functions” that can be used on the inspection screen to perform logic and calculations. For example ISBLANK or ISNUMBER can be used to validate entries or in if-then calculations.
- The inspector of each checkpoint is recorded in the Activity Log. Now when several inspectors are involved with one inspection you are able to distinguish which checkpoints are inspected by whom. The information appears on on the deficiency listing screen and the Q1025 inspection checkpoint query.
- The new project and checklist setup screens will automatically remove leading or trailing spaces and non-printing characters.
- Refinements have been made to the drag and drop on the new setup screens to make operate smoother.
- The account management screen has some text revisions to clarify the meaning of entry fields.
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